Do you Hunger & Thirst?

Original Sketch: Bread and Water of Life

I’ve tried dieting. I’ve even tried counting calories or trying to lose weight. It seems like the harder you try, the more obstacles you face. It seems like it’s a never-ending battle for me.

Many Muslims around the world are fasting for Ramadan. During the month, they abstain from both food and water from sunrise to sunset (they can feast at night). I have written posts about all the rules and regulations in the past (here, here, and here) In my former life as a Muslim, I tried to keep the fasts but I came up with many excuses to be excused from them. None of the excuses were good enough- a “good” Muslim will do their best to ensure that they fast for the 30 day timeframe.

I think it was a mental exercise in discipline for me. At the end of the day, I just didn’t understand why I had to fulfill this particular requirement since I could just do good works to make up for my lack of desire to abstain from eating. Of course, I was admonished by others for having this terrible attitude!

When Jesus Christ saved me in 2007, I began to read the Bible. It was the beautiful Gospel of Matthew that caught my attention. In Matthew 5:6, Jesus Christ says “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be satisfied.” I spent time thinking about this verse because I had never heard anything like this before.
Over 1.6 billion Muslims around the world— even in your own neighborhood hunger and thirst physically… but do they hunger and thirst for righteousness?

If you ask them, I would like to believe that they would say yes.

The truth is that apart from Christ, we have no righteousness of our own (Isaiah 59:1-17 and Romans 3). Our good deeds are “like filthy rags” according to the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 64:6). The filthy rags are also translated as “polluted garments” that refer to a woman’s menstrual cloths. This is very significant because in Islam, it is “haram” or sinful for women to pray or fast when bleeding (see So, to read that my good deeds are just as worthless as me praying to Allah during a time of being spiritually unclean was eye opening.
In other words, it doesn’t matter what works you do to try to get on Allah’s good side. The Bible is very clear.

Only God is HOLY

Man cannot enter Heaven or be in the presence of God on his own works. Man (or woman) are not righteous. We are mired deep in sin.

So what can we do?

If you hunger and thirst for righteousness, look no further than Christ. We Christians say that we are righteous only through faith- – and even that faith we have was given to us by God. Isaiah 61:10 states “I will greatly rejoice in the LORD; my soul shall exult in my God, for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation; He has covered me with the robe of righteousness…

In the Gospel of John (4:14), Jesus states “But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a fount of water springing up to eternal life.”

In John 6:48, Jesus states “I am the bread of life.”

If you hunger and thirst for righteousness, look to Christ. Only He can give us spiritual satisfaction and life eternal. Amen.

How do I learn more about Islam & Muslims?

Bring a friend and join me for this important talk about how to reach Muslims with the Good News of the Gospel! I will cover the big topics in my book and also address Q & A

Books will be available for sale at the event!

How do I learn more about a practical way to reach Muslims in my area?
Mona Sabah, a Former Muslim presents an intimate view to her past with examples of culture, traditions, beliefs and the religion of Islam. The interactive book provides research and guidelines on how to share the Gospel at the end of each chapter along with questions for practical application. This is a must-read for anyone interested in learning more about how to connect with the Muslim community for Christ with gentleness and respect. Mona Sabah was born and raised in the Middle East, went to school in Pakistan and then moved to the United States. She has worked in the Human Resources field and teaches Management, Leadership and Cultural Diversity. Mona became a follower of Jesus Christ at the age of 35. She published her testimony “From Isa to Christ: A Muslim Woman’s Search for the Hand of God” in February 2017.

Muslims & Christmas

Christmas Tree in UAE – From Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Christmas was such a controversial topic when I was growing up in my Muslim community in the United States! There were hundreds of opinions –one group would say “we should try to integrate “and the other would say “we should never celebrate Christian traditions.” For a few years, I never saw a Christmas tree or a present during December… until one day.

Apparently, there was a Christmas gift exchange going on in my younger sibling’s elementary school class. She came home and asked why Santa did not come to our home and if that meant something bad. She also asked to have a gift for the exchange and one for the teacher. All of these requests and questions left my whole family with a dilemma — to do or not to do? After some hushed debates between my parents, they decided on a resolution that seemed to fit our needs: they would compromise. Yes on the gifts but no on Jesus.

Our family celebrated Christmas, as do many Muslims. Christians are sometimes surprised when I share this. There was nothing wrong with giving gifts for a culture that believes in sharing. There was nothing wrong with enjoying parties during the Holiday season for a culture that loves giving and receiving hospitality. You see, Christmas is a time where many people open their homes and greet one another warmly. Muslims can see that and feel that joy that surrounds the season!

While we shared in the festivities, the lines were clearly drawn: there was no church or Jesus. Santa was a weird notion to me. I never did understand the tradition. Same goes for the tree or the eggnog. I never met others (who said they were Christians) who told me about what Jesus did or why they celebrated this season. Even today as a Christian, I am not sure they knew or understood.

What I did know was the following from the Quran:

  • Mary was Isa’s mother (Isa = Jesus’ name in Arabic)
  • Mary was a virgin and Jesus’s birth was a miracle from Allah
  • Jesus was a revered prophet
  • Jesus had a revelation from Allah called the Injeel (New Testament or Gospels)
  • That’s about it… did not know what the Gospels were or anything more

As Christians, we need to reach out and use every opportunity to welcome our Muslim co-workers, friends and neighbors. We should invite them to share in the joy of the season. HOWEVER, the entire Christmas season is to point to ONE thing: the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

The book of Galatians states that ” But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons” (Galatians 4:4-5). Jesus Christ came for a purpose and that purpose was to redeem those of us who cannot earn our own salvation.

Christmas is a time for us as believers to share the Good News of the Gospel with all – including Muslims. Do not be afraid. There are many Muslims who would love to have a conversation about Jesus (as He is held in high regard in Islam) and may even ask you questions about Christmas. Maybe instead of focusing on presents, we should focus on sharing the ultimate gift of salvation with others. May the Lord bless you as you share His love.

Merry Christmas!

Pray for New Zealand

Picture from

I woke up this morning and my husband told me about the massacre at the Mosque in Christ Church, New Zealand. When will people understand that killing in cold blood is not going to solve problems but will only result in exacerbating the existing issues?

My heart breaks for the Muslim families who were gathered together for prayer this morning. How horrific to hear that the man had an 87 page manifesto of hate that he posted on Facebook and social media. This was planned out and carried out with precision.

The only responses as a Christian should be to pray and mourn. Not only because the world is evil but also because mankind has forsaken God. Jesus said only to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” in Matthew 5:44. The man who did this was not a Christian, nor does he represent Christianity or the Bible. It’s time those who call themselves Christians to open up their Bibles and read the word of God to help bring light into a world of darkness.

My prayer: Lord, we pray for the families whose loved ones perished today. May you reveal yourself to them in their despair. May your people rise up and share your Gospel of love with the Muslim communities all around the world. May you bring good out of the evil that man perpetuates. Help us, Lord, we cry out to You. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Seminar: Reaching Muslims

Join me for a free seminar on Evangelism to Muslims THIS Saturday, March 2 at Yukon Church (11715 NW 10th street Yukon) from 9-12. Please contact Yukon Church to register.

Address:11715 NW 10th St, Yukon, OK 73099 Phone(405) 354-5809

8:30 am registration 


1 History of Islam

2 Muslim Beliefs & Practices 

         – 5 Pillars of Faith

         – 5 Beliefs of Islam

3 Traditions & Convictions

4 Women’s Role in Islam

5 Understanding Assumptions

6 Reaching Muslims through Evangelism

7 Common Objections to Christianity

Book signing!


Open Heart, Open Home

Hospitality is a recurring theme in my life, especially growing up in the Middle East and Pakistan. In fact, I could not imagine my life without friends, family and yes, unknown people I have brought home for a hot cup of tea. It was getting so bad at one time that my children would come home and wonder why there wasn’t an unknown car in the driveway… they were so used to having women a my kitchen counter that they had never met. I wrote about it in a post called “HospitaliTEA” and you can read it here.

My life has been enriched by most of these encounters (yes, some of them were downright weird, but then that’s just expected!). My notion of hospitality does not come from having a perfect home (I don’t.), a perfectly appointed kitchen (It’s nice, but not perfect in the least), a perfect family (I won’t even go there), or a perfect life. In fact, I have been known to have dishes in the sink, stuff on the counter, and groceries still in the bag when I’ve had people over… why? Because that’s just life.

So, why all this talk about hospitality?

If you’re a Christian, you don’t have to have a special spiritual gift for it (that’s just an excuse) and you should be doing it – see Acts 2:46 above in the image.

Those who are believers in Christ are downright commanded to show such hospitality (see 1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:7-8; Romans 12:13; Hebrews 11:13). One of my favorite passages in the Bible is when Abraham welcomes strangers to rest after their long journey (Genesis 18:2-8). In Deuteronomy, the act of sharing food (Deuteronomy 14:28-29) to help others is emphasized as a blessing. The early church made it a habit to gather together to break bread as a new family in Christ and praise God (Acts 2:42-47). A beautiful gift of hospitality was given to Jesus Christ by Zacchaeus out of the the joy he had in meeting Christ and salvation came to his house that day (Luke 19:5-6)! What a gift he received in turn from our Lord and Savior!

We miss out on blessings to give and receive when we cordon off a part of our lives to others. The early Christians wanted to be a part of one another’s life because many had their own families disown them. This was my own experience when I left Islam and became a Christian. If others had not invited me into their homes, what family would I have had?

I praise God that He invites us to His table to partake his daily bread – why are we so stingy and miserly in the way we invite others? What grace you have been given in Christ? It’s time to go out there and share the love of Jesus, the Gospel through invitation and watch salvation come to someone’s house!

September 11, Islam, Christ, & Me


Some of you may know a part of my testimony. Others may have never heard.

September 11 was the day that moved me to find out what my faith in Islam was all about. The movement towards Islam meant that I started to read the Quran and tried to be a more faithful Muslim by praying five times a day and keeping my fasts.

I failed miserably on all counts.

I did not know grace or even what the word meant, even though I lived in the United States and spoke English. In the Quran, I came across Surah 19 – a chapter about Isa Masih (Jesus the Messiah). I could not reconcile the fact that this man was unlike any other men in the Quran. After praying to God with an open heart to tell me how to see the truth, God led me to a church. At this church, I heard the Gospel for the first time in 25 years of living in the United States.

In the Gospel, I heard about grace, forgiveness for my sins, mercy of God and a peace that passes all understanding through Christ Jesus’s work on the cross.

You see… it was never about me and my own works. It was all about God and His glory.

That’s why I write and that’s why I speak. All for God’s glory, revealed in Christ.

My New Book ~ Reaching Muslims!

Book Launch Reaching (1)

Dear Friends,

I am SO excited to share the publishing of my new book “Reaching Muslims – A Christian’s Guide to Islam!” It was published this week by Gethsemane Press and is now available on, Kindle, B&, and other major venues.

I’d love to invite you all to the Book Launch Party on FRIDAY, July 20 in Oklahoma City. I will be giving a short summary of the book and have discussion about the Frequently Asked Questions. Hope you will consider joining me to PRAY, Celebrate, and Fellowship.

Here’s a list of Chapters in the Book. In the next few weeks, I will also post a few excerpts!

  Testimony 11
1 History of Islam 13
2 Muslim Beliefs & Practices

         – 5 Pillars of Faith

         – 5 Beliefs of Islam

3 Traditions & Convictions 59
4 Women’s Role in Islam 87
5 Understanding Assumptions 97
6 Reaching Muslims through Evangelism 111
7 Common Objections to Christianity 129
  About the Author 147
  Appendix of Terms 149
  Appendix of Answers 153

May the LORD bless this book for His Kingdom & Glory!

Reaching Muslims in Love

Most in the West do not understand the implications of witnessing to a Muslim. They don’t understand that there is a huge cost to pay to follow Jesus Christ. In fact, a Muslim  who turns their back to Islam — like me, is guilty of apostasy and must be put to death. Muslims here in the US will regularly tell you that this is a religion of peace, however, this command from the Quran is carried out in all Muslim countries, where it is enforced by Sharia. In the US, Muslims can face kidnapping, beatings from family members, and being disowned from the family.
When I accepted Christ, I knew the risk I was taking. I am not saying this as a “holier than thou” attitude, but as a reality. At the least, I had been taught that becoming a Christian was one of the worst things you could do. When a Muslim accepts Christianity, their fate in the afterlife is  to automatically be placed into one of the deepest levels of hell. Here are other verses that state what the fate of one who does not believe in Islam can be:

A Muslim can kill any person he wishes if it be a “just cause” Surah 6:152

– Allah loves those who “fight for his cause” Surah 61:3
Anyone who fights against Allah or renounces Islam in favor of another religion shall be “put to death or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off alternative sides” Surah 5:34

But those who reject Faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of Faith,- never will their repentance be accepted ; for they are those who have (of set purpose) gone astray.  Surah 3:90

Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters Unbelief,- except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith – but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty. Surah 16:106

Those who believe, then reject faith, then believe (again) and (again) reject faith, and go on increasing in unbelief,- Allah will not forgive them nor guide them nor guide them on the way.  Surah 4:137

Hadith (traditions of Mohammad)

A Muslim can kill any person he wishes if it be a “just cause” (Sura 6:152).

Abd-Allah ibn Masood said : The Messenger of Allah said : “It is not permissible to shed the blood of a Muslim who bears witness that there is no god except Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah, except in one of three cases : a soul (in case of murder) ; a married person who commits adultery ; and one who leaves his religion and separates from the main body of Muslims.” Sahih Al Bukhari number 6484 and Sahih Muslim number 1676

Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him. Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57)


When you have been born into the religion (as I was) and you away, you are looked upon as worse than an infidel (one who was never a believer of Islam in the first place). It’s considered treason, for Islam is both religion and law of the State.

When witnessing to a Muslim, there needs to be an understanding of the seriousness of the cost to the person. Persecution is inevitable, even in the United States. However, I personally have taken that into account and know that following Christ is worth that cost.

There are several things you can do if you believe God is calling you to reach Muslims. I have created a bookmark so you can print it out & easily remember:

Bookmark-How to witness to muslims

  1. PRAY

Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have against the spiritual forces. Prayer opens up the power of heaven and allows us to plug into the Holy Spirit’s prompting. Do not depend on yourself to have the smooth speech. Ask God’s Holy Spirit to share words that give life to others and are wrapped in love. Pray that the Lord will lift the physical and spiritual veil for Muslims. I like to pray ” But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.  Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:16-18).”


Kind of hard to do when someone is wearing a full burqa, but still try to do it. A genuine smile is the start of any authentic relationship! Sometimes, we get into a hurry and don’t listen to what God is telling you. A super quick prayer and a smile may bring about a beautiful friendship with someone from a diverse background.


Why do we have beautiful homes and we never invite anyone in? Why do we have nice kitchens and never offer to cook for anyone? Hospitality is a part of the culture for Muslims. It used to be this way for Americans as well. In our busy lifestyles, no one has time. Extend an invitation – just a cup of coffee or tea will do!


Hey! That’s who I want to talk about all the time anyway, so why not ask what they think of Him… you might be surprised! If that’s too risky for you, ask how your new Muslim friend sees God. Ask them to define His character and see where that conversation goes. Muslims are pious. They enjoy talking about God!


Many Christians leave out the most important part. I have heard people say “well, I want to show Christ in my actions.” That is wonderful! However, that’s not the end of the story. How will they know if they never hear who Christ is and of His sacrifice for us on the cross. How will they know that God gave us salvation and His grace as a free gift. We cannot earn our way to heaven. ONLY CHRIST has paid our debt, bridged the gap to God and will come back to judge all.


This is a relationship… not a pet project. A Muslim is a person, a human being. They are a person connected to a family. They need love and respect and deserve to be treated with kindness. On average, it takes a Muslim about 7 years to accept Christ. Remember, there is a lot at stake and it’s not an overnight decision. After conversion, be ready to disciple your friend & don’t leave them to wither on the vine.

It’s a matter of sharing your love, compassion and care for a hurting world. These are ways you can reach anyone (not just Muslims). If your heart is in the right place and you have prepared with the word of the Lord, God will help you! You are not on your own.

If you would like to know more about my journey, please check out my book:

From Isa to Christ: A Muslim Woman’s Search for the Hand of God