Ephesians Memory Cards

Week one was tough! I hope you had a chance to see my struggles in the video I uploaded. My daughter who’s been helping me has already memorized several verses and she didn’t even sign on to do this!

I thought I’d share my Memory Cards today and show how my mind works. Last week I posted a few cards. Here they are again.

Ephesians 1:1

On day 4, I realized that I was not saying the verse number or address. Now, it’s a part of the verse.

Ephesians 1:2

The numbers rhyme on verses 2 & 3:

“One-two, Grace to you…” that’s a Hershey kiss for chocolate, which equals grace to me (part of my testimony).

“One-three, Blessed be…” I also circle/box words that are duplicates. I’ve been circling the word “in” because it keeps tripping me up!

Ephesians 1:4

Verse four was more confusing- no rhymes, so I used the first word “even” that has 4 letters & is even. There are also 2 “BEFORE “ in it (reminded me of “four”).

Ephesians 1:5

I had to be more creative with verse 5. The last line for me in pictures is “accordion “ to the “porpoise” (that’s supposed to be a dolphin & not a banana with a tail, per my daughter) of His “will.”

Ephesians 1:6

More of the same… nothing to rhyme with “one-six.”

Ephesians 1:7

Got to use color for this one! Another accordion and not much to rhyme with “one-seven.” Boo hoo!

Ephesians 1:8

Only thing I could come up with today was that the word “lavished” has 8 words…

Hope this helps a bit! I’m finding that reading the verse aloud 10 times and then closing my eyes to repeat it 10 times is working. The pictures help me to get a visual reminder. Also, I’m repeating all verses up to date in the morning before I get out of bed, and at night.

Even when you don’t feel like it, push through and focus on the discipline of doing this! That’s what I’m saying to myself!

Week 1-Memorizing Ephesians

I have all my stuff in front of me this morning!

So excited to start today on our walk together through memorizing Ephesians. Here’s how it went this morning:

  1. Pray that God will help me to remember and inscribe His words on my heart.
  2. Read aloud the entire book of Ephesians – took me 16 min & 51 seconds.
  3. I took Dr. Andrew Davis’s schedule on p. 23 of his booklet and wrote out the whole schedule in my notebook.
  4. On the next page, I wrote today’s verses (see picture below).
Week One’s Scriptures on one page

Then, I took verse 1:1 and wrote it out on a 3 x 5 card that I hole-punched and put onto a binder ring.

3 x 5 card for Ephesians 1:1

Dr. Davis’s recommendation is to read the verse of the day 10 times and take a mental picture of each word. For me, that’s hard to do without actually drawing something out. So here’s my card with my little notes on it for me to take a mental picture of it. I couldn’t find anything for Paul, so I put a P above it. Christ Jesus is repeated twice, so I put a Cross on top. Saints has a halo above it and Ephesus has 3 Roman Columns.

In today’s verse, Paul is saying who he is (an apostle of Christ Jesus) and who he is writing to (saints who are in Ephesus). So, say that out loud 10 x and then close your eyes and try to remember the picture of the words 10 x.

That’s it for today.

Tomorrow and the next few days, you will do the same – start with verse 1:1, then read (10x) verse 2, close eyes & say verse 1 & 2 together).

What did you do? Anything different for your study today or this week? PLEASE share!

Overview- Memorize Ephesians

I’m so thrilled to have several of you who have decided to join together to commit to our hearts and minds the entire book of Ephesians! Over the next few days, I will cover the who, what, when, where, why and how of all this. Before tackling anything, I like to know what I’m getting into, so I wanted to give a basic overview of the book’s layout. There are lots of outlines and guidelines out there, so please take a few moments to take a look at your Bible’s Study notes and familiarize yourself with the book’s contents. There is also a great article written by gotquestions.org.


It is understood that Paul was the author and the epistle (or letter) was written around 60-63 AD to the church at Ephesus (modern day Turkey about 6 miles from the Aegean sea) and was primarily written to encourage believers. Paul was most likely in prison at the time he wrote this letter (Eph 4:1-3). From the Thompson Chain Reference Bible, I found that Ephesus at the time was a huge center of worship for the goddess Diana, also known as Artemis – one of the 7 Wonders of the World. In the book of Acts 19:23-41, we find that Demetrius, a silversmith starts a riot that ends up in the amphitheater. The reference Bible mentioned that the 24,000 person amphitheater was uncovered by archaeologists at the turn of the century! It is interesting also to note that this might be the same place Paul refers to in 1 Cor 15:32 where he “fought the wild beasts in Ephesus…”

Road between the amphitheater and Temple of Artemis was paved in marble

The church at Ephesus was also one of the 7 churches mentioned in Revelation. They were noted for their hard work and endurance for the Lord, but had “forsaken (or abandoned) their first love” Revelation 2:4.

The entire book is six chapters with 155 verses – I have the outline I used to break it down by chapter (see photo). If we divide 155/6, we get 25.83, which means 6 verses a week for about 26 weeks. This will bring us to half the year for the whole book! There are plans out there for 26 weeks, but I think I may use one that is about 28 weeks (2 weeks in there to catch up).

Go ahead and grab a journal notebook (might even be one you got as a gift last Christmas?), a pen, and your Bible… jot down some thoughts on the book of Ephesians to get you thinking about the place.