Pray for New Zealand

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I woke up this morning and my husband told me about the massacre at the Mosque in Christ Church, New Zealand. When will people understand that killing in cold blood is not going to solve problems but will only result in exacerbating the existing issues?

My heart breaks for the Muslim families who were gathered together for prayer this morning. How horrific to hear that the man had an 87 page manifesto of hate that he posted on Facebook and social media. This was planned out and carried out with precision.

The only responses as a Christian should be to pray and mourn. Not only because the world is evil but also because mankind has forsaken God. Jesus said only to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” in Matthew 5:44. The man who did this was not a Christian, nor does he represent Christianity or the Bible. It’s time those who call themselves Christians to open up their Bibles and read the word of God to help bring light into a world of darkness.

My prayer: Lord, we pray for the families whose loved ones perished today. May you reveal yourself to them in their despair. May your people rise up and share your Gospel of love with the Muslim communities all around the world. May you bring good out of the evil that man perpetuates. Help us, Lord, we cry out to You. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.