Just today, there was a discussion in my group about how some people liked to complain. Not only do people want to complain as a pastime but they want to ensure they’ve been heard. There’s even a name that social media has given to them – that particular name, “Karen”,” also comes with it’s own haircut (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, just google it!).
In the course of the conversation, someone actually said “…except for you, Mona,” which kind of surprised me! I thought I had complained to this person recently, but maybe I had done this in my head (that happens sometimes). For once, I was at a loss for words and I mumbled something like “…what’s there to complain about? I’m content.”
What’s funny about that statement is that I meant it. It’s the truth. I sometimes have to check my thoughts and desires against what I’m supposed to be doing with my life- which is (according to the Westminster confessions) “to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” Not only is this the “chief end of man” per the catechism, but it is so simple and concise. It explains in a short statement the reason why we are created and the purpose of our life.
When feeling discontent which we all do from time to time, the difference for the Christian is to look at the reason why we have been put on this earth. If you’re making the main thing the main thing (glorification of God), then everything else falls into place.
Those who are around me know that I love words. I love knowing the etymology and usage of words. One word in particular has captured my attention for the last few months. It is “Satisfaction.” If you look at the definition I posted above fro the Merriam Webster dictionary online, you’ll find something curious… Christ is the satisfaction.
If you think about it, He completely “satisfies” the meaning in almost every part of the definition!
He is the perfect payment and reparation for sin. John the Baptist exclaimed the Agnus Dei (Latin for “Lamb of God”) in John 1:29https://biblehub.com/esv/john/1.htm
In the second set of definitions, Christ is the complete fulfillment. He is the Bread of Life, the Living Water, the Light of the World, the True Vine that gives us all we need. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). He is the source of contentment and perfect rest (Psalm 23). He is the ultimate source of perfect gratification for His children.
That gratification comes from the third set of definitions. Through His torturous death on the cross, came full atonement for our sins. Some don’t understand what that word means. Atonement means to pay for a debt. There is a great debt all human beings owe to God Almighty for trespassing daily against His holiness. When I was a Muslim, I thought that my bad deeds were my own business. I felt guilty from time to time, depending upon how terrible my “crime” was. There was no law against lying, cheating or making small mischief against another. I was able to get away with it, so good for me! In justifying myself, I shrugged off my wrongdoing as nothing to worry about… until I realized that I sinned more and more. There was no way I could deal with my guilt. I knew I should be a better person and that good people didn’t behave this way. But where did those ideas of morality come from?
The truth is that God writes His laws upon our hearts. It is the wicked who suppress the knowledge of God (Romans 1:18). It wasn’t until I heard that Jesus Christ had paid my debt to God in full on the cross, that I understood what my Savior had done for me. That brings us to the last definition- vindication. These are legal terms that foreshadow our day in the heavenly courts, where we will have to account for every idle word we have uttered. Jesus Christ Himself said “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak…” (Matthew 12:36).

So, are you grumbling or are you content? Are you living for yourself, justifying bad behavior, trying to build your own kingdom and not knowing what day you’ll be called into the courts of God? Are you ready to face God on your own and defend yourself? Or are you relying fully upon the only One who drank the cup of God’s wrath on our behalf? Are you covered by His work on the cross or are you trying to get to Heaven on your own merit? Are you tired and weary with heavy burdens?
Come to the only One who fully brings satisfaction. Come to the foot of Christ, confess your sins, repent of your pride and find rest. For His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:29). Amen