Not really sure how all this was going to turn out! I started off great — even ahead of schedule. Last week was even more of a challenge for me to focus. I will tell you, it’s great to have someone you can have for accountability. My daughter and I have been helping to remind one another to read daily. What a discipline!
I am still about 4 days behind the reading schedule. HOWEVER, I built in a little safety. In the chronological schedule, if you read 12 days at a time, you will actually finish at 28 days, so I am “technically” 2 days behind. I kicked it into gear yesterday by reading 3 books in 1 day. That was a feat in itself because I am still taking copious notes and have asterisks and question marks by the things I would like to explore later.
I tried something new last week: I put in my earbuds and put on a narration of a book while I pulled weeds outside. It’s mindless work, but it became mindful work as I listened to the book of Acts (which I’ve read multiple times before). It was quite wonderful and I lost track of time — so I was pulling weeds for about an hour and a half! Our front bed still looks like yuck, but at least I made a dent in it.
So… still plugging along in the New Testament. From all the Old Testament reading, it was a relief to FINALLY read about my beloved Savior Jesus.
To God be the Glory!
To Date: All of the OT, plus 1/2 of Mark & Luke. John, Matthew & Acts are done! Hopefully I can read the rest by this weekend. That’s my story & I’m sticking to it! 🙂