I was so excited to see the calendar for December this year! To see that Christmas Day actually fell on a Sunday was wonderful! I guess it was NOT wonderful for many people – including some Pastors who are not holding service or taking an “easier” route like an Online Service for those who want to stay home. I am not sure what is going on these days… why wouldn’t you want to spend Christmas Day — of all days, at church with the body of Christ?
I guess it’s messed up priorities? Some say “Well, I have these traditions with family that take priority,” while others say “Christmas morning means lounging around in our matching family PJs, drink hot chocolate and listen to Christmas music.” That’s fine if you are not a Christian, but what does it mean to be a professing follower of Jesus Christ?
There is nothing magical about Sundays… other than it is the Lord’s Day. It is the symbolic representation of the risen Lord. He did on Good Friday. After 3 days, he rose again from the dead (Jewish days begin in the evening) …so Friday, Saturday, Sunday = Resurrection Day.
When we come together as the Body of Christ, we proclaim His resurrection and return. We gather together in hopes and anticipation of His promise. He is coming back to judge and to take those who are His own.
Why would you exchange that glorious truth to stay at home and lounge in your PJs? Are we that numb to the reality of what Jesus Christ suffered on our behalf on the cross? Or do we even stop to think of His voluntary humiliation to descend from the throne and come as a child, born of a virgin? Does that matter to “Christians” anymore?
Have you stopped to ponder what Christmas Day represents? Yes, I know that it may not be the EXACT day Jesus Christ was born, BUT we have this day that is set aside to acknowledge the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ. If it is a Sunday and it’s Christmas Day, then I would challenge you to think about this — it is DOUBLE the Lord’s Day.
How about you set aside your comfort zone of traditions and cling tightly to the Word of God? How about clinging to Christ – not for the blessings He brings, but just for the sheer joy of who He is.
Born of a virgin, sinless, suffered and died on the cross for our sins, raised again from the dead, victorious over both sin and death, returning to judge the quick and the dead.
There is no one worthy to worship, other than Christ Jesus. The Messiah, the Son of the Living God.
O’ Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ the Lord!