A much shorter post for last week. Of course, I was doing fairly well – falling behind a day or two and then catching up on the weekends (mainly on Saturday). Then we moved into the 3rd week of the reading and we had a conference to go to in Texas for 2 days. Of course, it was on a Friday and Saturday (my big day of catching up!). We came back exhausted and the kids wanted to talk that evening.
There are some things that have to wait – no matter what is going on around you. So, I ended up falling even more behind! I was still on Wednesday’s reading list by the time Sunday came. Sundays are all about doing things with our church family, so it was a big blessing.
This week, I am spending time catching up. I changed the order of reading (again!) to go through the minor prophets (called “minor” not because of their message, but because of the size of the books that are called by their names). I set aside the longer books of Ezekiel and Daniel for this week (Week 4). It’s been going fairly well and consistent. I am feeling a bit less passionate because of falling so far behind. HOWEVER, I am reminded by my bookmark that I am able to read the beautiful word of the Lord and actually understand all the different exiles that were taking place! So amazing to be able to finally “get it!” I believe 100% that it’s due to reading altogether and not forgetting what happened just last week in the Biblical sequence of events.
SO… onward we go!
Week 3 Books: Song of Solomon, 2 Chronicles, 1 Kings, 2 Kings (I really slowed down in my reading through 1 & 2 Kings to get a better understanding of the Kings and the exiles), Ecclesiastes, & Obadiah
Today’s reading: Ezekiel & Daniel (I hope I can get through both and then I will go to the NEW TESTAMENT! YES!!!)