Scripture for Heart, Mind, & Soul

So many people talk to me about NOT reading their Bibles.

I get many excuses… don’t get me wrong, many are valid reasons. However, there is a saying out there “You would if you wanted to.” That simple saying indicates priorities in our life.

Is the Word of God a priority for you?

Honestly, it has not been a priority for me in the past. I had a full time job, I taught school in the evenings and I had children. Being a wife, a mother, an employee and a professor did not leave much time in the day. I was lucky to read 1 verse and even that did not happen most days!

Then I was introduced to Bible Study and was told that I really needed to be “in the Word.” Bible Study allowed me to be more dedicated because it was built into my schedule. The problem here was that in the Summertime, there was no Bible Study — so again, I filled up my time with other things.

It was not until I found out how to do Scripture or Bible Journaling that I was able to read, think about (meditate), and draw Scripture. I have videos on my YouTube Channel how to Bible Journal – this one is through Psalm 1 — just a beautiful Psalm. This really helped me to set aside my own time to meditate on what the pictures in my head looked like about the different verses and then to draw them. As an unexpected bonus, I found that I had memorized several of those Scriptures!

My time in the Word of God was further helped by my friend who introduced me to reading the Bible in 30 days. This was another way for me to recharge what I did and how I developed a habit (most habits take at least 30 days to form) of reading the Bible for myself. If you are interested in this, here’s my post on how to get started.

Today, I am working with my mentor to memorize 1 Corinthians 15 (see pic above). I am using my fountain pens to write out the verses, to doodle and to make a concerted effort to read the chapter over and over again until the whole this is committed to my heart, mind and soul. These are the things that are eternal work — they ought to be given priority in our day. Again, I am not perfect – I was barely able to read 10 verses yesterday, as I was running from the morning until the evening.

Give God the tithe of your time and give Him your all. He gave us His Son who died for us. Isn’t a few minutes of our time worth it?

Think about it… what’s keeping you?

30 Day Bible Reading Challenge – You Can Do This!

Bible in 30 Days!!!

It’s Summer Time again! This means that my daughter and I embarked on reading the entire Bible in 30 days. Yes… that’s right! From Genesis to Revelation and every page in between! I never thought this was possible, but here we are doing it AGAIN!

Why do we think that it’s impossible to read the whole Bible like this? I think it’s because we have the one year Bible plans and most people don’t really bother reading the Bible cover to cover. I started thinking about this when I was challenged a few years ago by a Pastor who used to read “The Lord of the Rings” every year (which is a bigger book than the Bible). He said that if he could read that, why was he not reading his Bible?

I kind of put that comment and challenge away in the back of my mind and trudged along with everyone else in trying to read the Bible each year — giving way around February when other things took up my priorities and time.

This is why the challenge of reading in 30 days appealed to me when it was presented by a friend last year. She said that it would give me a fantastic overview of the entire Bible quickly and that Genesis would still be fresh in my head as I read the New Testament just a few weeks later.

So here’s the breakdown (I have my posts from last year as well on how to do this – so you can check it out here:

The main thing to remember is that “YOU CAN DO ANYTHING FOR 30 DAYS!!!” Also, you need to set aside about 2-1/2 hours each day. Sounds like a lot — especially when you were working both a full time job AND a part time job like I was last year! But, you can do this! I did an hour or so at lunchtime and then read the rest at night since I’m a night owl.

Here is a video I did of my process on YOUTUBE. Check it out and leave me a comment on what you think! I hope you will try it!

Be sure to PRAY first and pray every time you open your Bible. God will help you through this and you will be blessed!!!

Week 1 UPDATE – Bible in 30 Days!

Well… it’s been a week! I thought it was going to be very difficult and honestly, that’s why I needed to get some of my brothers and sisters holding me accountable for reading the entire Bible in 30 days. It was a daunting task.

I decided to ask the Lord for help — it’s amazing what happens when you pray FIRST, isn’t it? I asked God to help me make time and to actually make this a priority. Given that I work full time and also do ministry and crafts and make YouTube videos for fun… I wasn’t sure how much of extra stuff I would be able to get into my day. I had visions of me toiling over books and chapters in the Bible going past midnight.

This was NOT the case!

I was able to find pockets of time in my day – I ate lunch and then sat down to read for about 20 minutes. I found a small spot after dinnertime to read with my daughter (how wonderful to be able to read the Bible together since she’s doing this as well). There was, of course time in the evening but maybe an hour and a half. That might sound daunting, but when you start reading and have a love for the word of God, something happens – you lose track of time and end up getting ahead some days.

I read ahead knowing that some of my days are busier than others and then I evened out on Sunday because that seems to be when we are most occupied. All I know is that in 1 week, we both have been able to read Genesis, Job, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, & Judges!!!! AMAZING!!! I thank the Lord for allowing me to stay on task, on focus and for giving me the time to do this.

How did your week go?

Was it easy? Was it terrible to find time? Are you ahead, behind on the reading schedule? Are you on your own timeline and schedule? I would love to know more!

Bible Study or Sermon Notes Made EASY!

Do you take notes when you are reading the Bible or do you curl up on the couch and read it in the same way you would a great novel? There is a time and place for both ways, but reading and studying are not the same thing. In order to study your Bible, there needs to be some processing and active learning. When I sit down to study the Bible, I pray, I write down the entire passage (into a journal), I draw pictures to help me remember, I also jot down other verses that might be important. This is the same way I take notes during sermons! My Bible is full of drawings to capture the main verses the Pastor uses to illustrate his points.

My drawings are quick sketches of the main ideas so that I can refer back to the verses and also be able to take a mental photograph of what the sermon was on a particular day. If I spend time during the week in my sermon notes, I find that my retention of the sermon points increases!

This might be a way to teach your children how to take notes in church or for their own Bible Study. There is a handout that you can use for yourself – I’ve included a free pdf printable here!

Easy Bible Study or Sermon Notes

I hope this tool is something you will use today to take better notes, have a better understanding and to dig deeper while helping to model respect for God’s Word! May your Bible study grow deeper and bear much fruit for the Kingdom!

No Scripture is exhausted by a single explanation.

The flowers of God’s garden bloom not only double,

but sevenfold;

they are continually pouring forth fresh fragrance.

Charles Spurgeon