*This is just a small list of many topics…
From Isa to Christ – Testimony & A Call to Share the Gospel
What happens when you give up everything to pursue Christ?
Mona Sabah shares her true story of a Muslim woman who moved to the US from Pakistan, lived in a Muslim community in California and shocked everyone by marrying an American instead of having an arranged marriage.
After the events of 9/11, she decided to delve deeper into her faith by reading the Quran and praying to Allah. When she encountered the chapter on Jesus (Jesus is Isa in the Quran – chapter is called “Surah Maryam”), she couldn’t figure out why this prophet was uniquely different. She then prayed to God to give her the truth and show her the way. He did and He pointed to ONE: Jesus Christ.
8 Second Elevator Speech – Women’s Retreat Topic
In the years of teaching Human Resources, I often tell my students that they are always interviewing for their next position. You never know who you might speak to during the day that will help connect you to someone else for the next big opportunity.
The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 3:15 “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,” Do Christians do this? How about you? Are you ready to give the reason for the HOPE you have?
Statistics show that only half (52% – Barna Study) of Christians will share the Gospel and share their testimony with others. The reason is simple — we are not prepared!
In this session, you will have a chance to work on your testimony and write it out. The challenge is to be able to share it with someone else in less than 10-15 seconds. Think about it… most of the opportunities are short – the checker at Wal Mart, that woman in the park or maybe that person at your child’s school.
We will discuss not only how to share the Gospel, but also how to share your own personal testimony about the LORD Jesus in a quick and simple way.
HospitaliTEA – Women’s Retreat Topic
Hospitality is missing from our culture! Learn how the Eastern customs of hospitality apply today from a former Muslim’s (who grew up in the Middle East) point of view.
Mona will cover how the Bible teaches Christians to open their homes as a sacrificial way to love others. She will also share simple ways that your home can help to promote UNITY (Ephesians 4) in the Church and also be a wonderful way to build relationships for Evangelism.
In the Bible, there is mention of hospitality being a part of the new church in Acts. In fact, there is a passage that I think of often “And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts… ~Acts 2:46“ So many Christians close off their homes to others, citing one reason after another. Even though I have entertained many people in our home, a reciprocal invitation to come to other people’s homes is still sparse. Is it an indication that some might be uncomfortable to share their personal life and living space for fear of too much intimacy or familiarity.
All it takes is an open heart, an open door and a hot cup of tea.
From Fear to Faith – Evangelism
What does it mean to share the Gospel with someone? How do I know if they are receptive to the message of the cross? What if I get rejected?
It can be scary for some to start a conversation about religion and then downright terrifying to actually share the Gospel (or even say the name of Jesus)! Mona shares some practical ways to initiate the conversation with others to get a reading of their “spiritual temperature.” Another aspect of the presentation is to see how to not use “Christianese” but to use regular, everyday language that people outside of Christianity can understand. Not everyone can understand words we take for granted in the church, such as sin, grace, salvation and trinity.
Someone once told me that evangelism was when you turn people off by talking about Jesus, while another told me that their definition was to simply tell them that Jesus loved them. Both of those definitions miss the mark. Evangelism is one of the most loving things we can do to help others. It is to effectively tell the story about what Jesus Christ has done in your life and then to share God’s story of love and redemption. Both are fundamental building blocks that help to tear down walls and allow others to be invited into the Kingdom of God.
Mona has taught a course titled “Reaching Muslims” for over a decade and published the book “Reaching Muslims” in 2018.
Unity out of Diversity
Mona is an HR professional with 20+ years of experience teaching and doing consulting. She also is an accomplished author and speaker. Mona has worked with Fortune 500 companies, private businesses, public schools and non-profit organizations.
She is an enthusiastic and dynamic teacher, presenting on cultural diversity and intelligence for over two decades, who helps champion organizational change for all levels. She is fluent in three languages (Urdu/Hindi, Spanish and English), also having a working knowledge of Arabic, and has lived in six countries (several in Middle East, Pakistan, England and USA). Mona published her first book, “From Isa to Christ,” in February 2017. She is currently working on a book about Diversity in the United States from an immigrant’s perspective.
#MonaSabahBooks, #MonaSabah, #FromIsatoChrist, #ReachingMuslims, #diversity