Sometimes, you just need a quick reference sheet to know what are the differences between Christianity & Islam! There are many similarities as well – if you’d like to know more, grab my book “Reaching Muslims” from Amazon!
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Christmas Tree in UAE – From Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Christmas was such a controversial topic when I was growing up in my Muslim community in the United States! There were hundreds of opinions –one group would say “we should try to integrate “and the other would say “we should never celebrate Christian traditions.” For a few years, I never saw a Christmas tree or a present during December… until one day.
Apparently, there was a Christmas gift exchange going on in my younger sibling’s elementary school class. She came home and asked why Santa did not come to our home and if that meant something bad. She also asked to have a gift for the exchange and one for the teacher. All of these requests and questions left my whole family with a dilemma — to do or not to do? After some hushed debates between my parents, they decided on a resolution that seemed to fit our needs: they would compromise. Yes on the gifts but no on Jesus.
Our family celebrated Christmas, as do many Muslims. Christians are sometimes surprised when I share this. There was nothing wrong with giving gifts for a culture that believes in sharing. There was nothing wrong with enjoying parties during the Holiday season for a culture that loves giving and receiving hospitality. You see, Christmas is a time where many people open their homes and greet one another warmly. Muslims can see that and feel that joy that surrounds the season!
While we shared in the festivities, the lines were clearly drawn: there was no church or Jesus. Santa was a weird notion to me. I never did understand the tradition. Same goes for the tree or the eggnog. I never met others (who said they were Christians) who told me about what Jesus did or why they celebrated this season. Even today as a Christian, I am not sure they knew or understood.
What I did know was the following from the Quran:
Mary was Isa’s mother (Isa = Jesus’ name in Arabic)
Mary was a virgin and Jesus’s birth was a miracle from Allah
Jesus was a revered prophet
Jesus had a revelation from Allah called the Injeel (New Testament or Gospels)
That’s about it… did not know what the Gospels were or anything more
As Christians, we need to reach out and use every opportunity to welcome our Muslim co-workers, friends and neighbors. We should invite them to share in the joy of the season. HOWEVER, the entire Christmas season is to point to ONE thing: the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
The book of Galatians states that ” But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons” (Galatians 4:4-5). Jesus Christ came for a purpose and that purpose was to redeem those of us who cannot earn our own salvation.
Christmas is a time for us as believers to share the Good News of the Gospel with all – including Muslims. Do not be afraid. There are many Muslims who would love to have a conversation about Jesus (as He is held in high regard in Islam) and may even ask you questions about Christmas. Maybe instead of focusing on presents, we should focus on sharing the ultimate gift of salvation with others. May the Lord bless you as you share His love.
A few weeks ago, I had a conversation that went like this:
Muslim: I have a question for you. Muslims believe Allah is “noor” (light) and He has no physical body. Do you believe this?
Me: Yes, we believe God is light (did not share 1 John 1:5)
Muslim: So if God is light and the sun and moon are light, why can’t we worship them? Why can’t we say God is in them?
Me: We believe God is the Creator and He created the sun, moon and stars. We have to be careful NOT to worship the created – that would be idolatry and isn’t Islam absolutely against that?
Muslim: Yes. True. So, how do you know God created the sun and moon?
Me: It’s written in Scripture. What’s written in Scripture is truth and I believe it completely.
Muslim: Where? What Scripture?
Me: The Bible, in the book of Genesis. Would you like me to share what the creation of the world looked like? There is definite order to God. Did you know that light was there before the sun was made? Isn’t that interesting?
Muslim: yes. Tell me more.
The rest of the conversation went back and forth, until the discussion basically ended with the person wanting to know more, but telling me that they cannot believe what is in the Bible, since they believe it is not credible.
As Christians, there are numerous reasons to watch out in a discussion about Genesis. The Quran does not have a comprehensive chapter on how the world was formed, but contains bits and pieces scattered through the entire Quran. This makes it very complicated and difficult to glean important differences in beliefs.
There are a few things I would like to point out. The Quran does not believe in original sin. They believe that if Adam sinned, that’s his to own. No one else suffers because of his mistake. They do not understand that God made all these things and “it was good” and that the sin that entered the garden had eternal consequences that impacts the world even today. Therefore, no fallen nature, no need for a Savior.
Here’s one of the sections of the Quran that provides an insight. It’s from Surah Fussilat 41:8-12–
Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds – for them is a reward uninterrupted. Say, “Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of the worlds.” And He placed on the earth firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures’] sustenance in four days without distinction – for [the information] of those who ask.
Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, “Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion.” They said, “We have come willingly. And He completed them as seven heavens within two days and inspired in each heaven its command. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps and as protection. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.
If you are counting, there are 2 days, then 4 days, then 2 days. The account is not clear on what came first or second or when humans were made. Contrast this with the account in Genesis where there is a clear order to what came first, second and how (Genesis 1-11). Also, the Quran states that Adam was created in Janna (Paradise) and not on earth (Quran 2:35).
There is a good article at titled “Koran vs. Genesis” that has a chart clearly showing the differences. There are also citations of verses from the Quran to help figure out where things go.
Here is a list that might be helpful to know when sharing about Genesis with a Muslim:
No original Sin (Quran): We believe Sin entered the garden and thus the world. We live in a place polluted. God not only created the world but provided the remedy for Adam’s sin of disobedience in Genesis 3:15. The remedy promised to man is Christ Jesus, the sinless lamb of God who was sacrificed on the cross. Romans 3:23 states clearly that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
No Savior – You’re on Your Own (Quran 2:48 – And fear a Day when no soul will suffice for another soul at all, nor will intercession be accepted from it, nor will compensation be taken from it, nor will they be aided.). The Bible says that only the sinless Jesus Christ (John 14:6, Acts 4:12) can bridge the great divide and make peace between us and God. The Quran teaches that only through Islam (works Surah 41:8 & obedience to Allah and his prophet Muhammad) can one avoid the ‘Blazing Fire’ (Surah 3:85; 48:13- And whoever has not believed in Allah and His Messenger – then indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers a Blaze). NOTE: Islam goes further by saying that even Muhammad’s own family members (mother, father and Uncle Talib who adopted him) were going to hell: Muslim (203) narrated from Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that a man said: “O Messenger of Allaah, where is my father?” He said: “In Hell.” When he turned away he called him back and said: “My father and your father are in Hell.” His Uncle’s fate was a bit lighter, since he would only burn up to his feet in hell: Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 5.224 Narrated by Abu Said Al Khudri That he heard the Prophet (saws) when somebody mentioned his uncle (i.e. Abu Talib), saying, “Perhaps my intercession will be helpful to him on the Day of Resurrection so that he may be put in a shallow fire reaching only up to his ankles. His brain will boil from it.”Sahih Muslim Hadith 413 Narrated by Abdullah ibn Abbas -The Prophet of Allah (saws) said: Among the inhabitants of the Fire AbuTalib would have the least suffering, and he would be wearing two shoes (of Fire) which would boil his brain.
There are degrees of sin & you can work them off (Quran): The Bible does not differentiate (Romans 6:23). All sin separates us from God. The Quran says that Muslims can work off their bad deeds by performing salat (prayers) and wadu (ritual washing) (al-Bukhari 10:504; al-Muslim2:437). Allah may even decide to hide someone’s sin: “The messenger of Allah said, “All my followers’ sins will be forgiven except those made public. That is, when a man commits a sin at night and then makes known during the day, even though Allah has screened him at night…” (al Bukhari 73:95). The Bible states clearly that God is HOLY. There is no darkness in Him. Isaiah 59:2 states “but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.” All things will come to light on judgment day!
Another good article to read is “Sin According to Muslims” by the Zwemer Center. They have a simple way of putting key differences together and explaining complexities between Christianity and Islam.
Remember that no matter what, a dialogue about the Word of God is a good place to start. We need to be respectful, loving and gracious in our interactions. If someone is curious, our job is to help answer the questions with the best information we have – our Bible. In order to do that, however, we need to open it, read it, and study it!
Join me for Bible study if you don’t have a group. I would welcome it!
May 5, 2019 begins Ramadan for the Muslim world. If you type “Ramadan 2019” into the search bar, there will be a myriad of results – from recipes for the first breaking of fast to what the requirements are to keep a Ramadan fast. For those who may not know, Ramadan is a month of fasting AND feasting! It is a celebration for the entire Muslim community. However, when I was a Muslim, I was not like some of my friends who looked forward to this time. I dreaded the month and it made me anxious.
There were good reasons for me to be anxious, for I was not a good Muslim. I would think about food all day long, I would find reasons not to fast and then, I would just plain give up after about a week (if that!). Of course, I didn’t tell people about this sad state of affairs and lack of dedication. I simply added on to my scale of bad deeds and lied to people that I was indeed fasting.
There are many rules of what to do and what not to do during the 30 days of Ramadan. There are even rules for the NON-MUSLIM (as spelled out here from an article from Saudi Arabia, the arbiters of what goes and what does not go for Islam) who lives in a Muslim country! The article says that even though one might not be a Muslim, they still need to adhere to the laws – no eating or drinking in the public while the sun is shining, no chewing gum, no smoking, etc.
just stay home…
For the Muslim person, there are many rules that spell out how to behave and how to begin and end your day. I was told that drinking a small amount of water from rinsing my mouth after brushing was haram (bad deed) and could technically break my fast. I was also told that anger or being mean to my family (= being “hangry”) would also nullify my fast. So many rules!
from: Masjid Daar as Sunnah
Many Christians want to know – what does Allah want from Muslims during Ramadan? There are many things, but here’s a chart for quick reference. Notice under the “5 Quick Tips” on number 5, it says “Follow up a bad deed with a good deed.” I believe that just about sums up Ramadan. It is a time for Muslims to try to please Allah… but with all those bad deeds, can one actually please him?
So what does the BIBLE say about pleasing God?
According to the website In the New Testament, the apostle “Paul reminds the believers in Rome that “they who are in the flesh cannot please God” (Romans 8:8). So the first step in pleasing God is to accept the sacrifice for sin that He provided in the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Only then are we “in the Spirit” and not “in the flesh.” We do this by faith because “without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6). “
All of us who have confessed that Jesus Christ is the only sinless one who could pay the price for all the sins (bad deeds) in a perfect sacrifice that was pleasing to God become a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). In order to please God, we have to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit who is given to us and who lives in us, instructing us daily how to walk according to the ways of God as revealed in the Bible (the word of God). We also have to live by faith, live and love according to Jesus’s command (John 14:21) which is to love Christ and love one another.
I believe that is one of the biggest differences I found in leaving Islam and accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. There was a peace in knowing and accepting that I could not please God from my own works. I kept messing up daily — I would think a bad thought, reply in anger at the driver who cut me off, or lie about something. I kept sinning and falling short of the rules I was supposed to abide by. The beauty of Christianity is not in us DOING things, it is in what Jesus Christ DID already for us on the cross.
May those who are fasting for Ramadan seek the one True God who is revealed in the Bible as the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6) AND may those of us who belong to Christ pray for the next 30 days for Muslims around the world to find peace through the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN.
I woke up this morning and my husband told me about the massacre at the Mosque in Christ Church, New Zealand. When will people understand that killing in cold blood is not going to solve problems but will only result in exacerbating the existing issues?
My heart breaks for the Muslim families who were gathered together for prayer this morning. How horrific to hear that the man had an 87 page manifesto of hate that he posted on Facebook and social media. This was planned out and carried out with precision.
The only responses as a Christian should be to pray and mourn. Not only because the world is evil but also because mankind has forsaken God. Jesus said only to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” in Matthew 5:44. The man who did this was not a Christian, nor does he represent Christianity or the Bible. It’s time those who call themselves Christians to open up their Bibles and read the word of God to help bring light into a world of darkness.
My prayer: Lord, we pray for the families whose loved ones perished today. May you reveal yourself to them in their despair. May your people rise up and share your Gospel of love with the Muslim communities all around the world. May you bring good out of the evil that man perpetuates. Help us, Lord, we cry out to You. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I will post a plan to get us started TOGETHER! Don’t be worried or discouraged… the Lord says in Deuteronomy 11:20:
Remember God’s Words …19Teach them to your children, speaking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 20Writethem onthe doorpostsof your housesand gates,21so that as long as the heavens are above the earth, your days and those of your children may be multiplied in the land the LORD swore to give your fathers.…
Some of you may know a part of my testimony. Others may have never heard.
September 11 was the day that moved me to find out what my faith in Islam was all about. The movement towards Islam meant that I started to read the Quran and tried to be a more faithful Muslim by praying five times a day and keeping my fasts.
I failed miserably on all counts.
I did not know grace or even what the word meant, even though I lived in the United States and spoke English. In the Quran, I came across Surah 19 – a chapter about Isa Masih (Jesus the Messiah). I could not reconcile the fact that this man was unlike any other men in the Quran. After praying to God with an open heart to tell me how to see the truth, God led me to a church. At this church, I heard the Gospel for the first time in 25 years of living in the United States.
In the Gospel, I heard about grace, forgiveness for my sins, mercy of God and a peace that passes all understanding through Christ Jesus’s work on the cross.
You see… it was never about me and my own works. It was all about God and His glory.
That’s why I write and that’s why I speak. All for God’s glory, revealed in Christ.
I am SO excited to share the publishing of my new book “Reaching Muslims – A Christian’s Guide to Islam!” It was published this week by Gethsemane Press and is now available on, Kindle, B&, and other major venues.
I’d love to invite you all to the Book Launch Party on FRIDAY, July 20 in Oklahoma City. I will be giving a short summary of the book and have discussion about the Frequently Asked Questions. Hope you will consider joining me to PRAY, Celebrate, and Fellowship.
Here’s a list of Chapters in the Book. In the next few weeks, I will also post a few excerpts!
History of Islam
Muslim Beliefs & Practices
– 5 Pillars of Faith
– 5 Beliefs of Islam
Traditions & Convictions
Women’s Role in Islam
Understanding Assumptions
Reaching Muslims through Evangelism
Common Objections to Christianity
About the Author
Appendix of Terms
Appendix of Answers
May the LORD bless this book for His Kingdom & Glory!
On Tuesday, I wrote about the fear of rejection and how tough that can be for children and adults alike. I was scheduled to speak twice that day- once at a place in OKC called Concordia (which went well) and later in the evening at the City Rescue Mission (which went not so well).
Last year, I shared my testimony at the City Rescue Mission, so after prayer, I felt that I should speak about something different. I settled on a topic that’s not so popular… that man is not “good.” Even David said in Psalm 51:5 that:
“5Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.”
After the fall of man, there’s not much that is “good” about human beings — the 20th century was the bloodiest century ever recorded in the history of man. YET, we are capable of good — for God is the only one who allows us to show good works in our life through fruit of the Spirit by the work of the Holy Spirit.
Within about 5 minutes of the talk, several women just walked out! At first, I faltered in my speech. As much as I speak, I am not used to people just walking out. I am used to people coming up afterwards to argue or tell me I’m wrong about something (that happened earlier in the day at Concordia, but the man was respectful in his disagreement). So, I stopped in the middle of my sentence and watched them get up and go out of the place. Within seconds, I smiled to myself and was amused because I remembered what I wrote about that very morning! Talk about timing!
So, I took a deep breath and continued where I left off.
It’s funny when you get called out on the very thing you are telling others to practice in their life. As I mentioned in that blog – I am not immune from the feelings of rejection. It makes me sad and messes with my mind! I am also not writing this so you will feel sorry for me… instead, I am writing so you will know that public speaking – especially sharing the Gospel of Christ is no joke! I don’t take it lightly and I know that it can be irritating to many.
This is what was promised… so now go out there and live out the Great Commission (Matthew 28) to share the Gospel and yet, share the reason for your hope in Christ with gentleness & respect.
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect… 1 Peter 3:15
If you Google “Fear of Rejection,” you’ll find about 54,700,000 results in 0.42 seconds. It is a real fear – there are phobias named for this. As a people-pleaser, I know that it’s difficult for me to not be liked by everyone. When I was a child and had just moved to the United States, I was always the LAST ONE to be chosen for a team… I don’t blame them – I didn’t know how to play baseball or dodge-ball. Nobody wanted a “loser” to be on their team! Later, as a senior manager in a corporate setting, I would try to be on everyone’s team to gain their favor. I was told by my boss that it was ridiculous for me to please everyone. Going through life, the career advice I received was correct.
Rejection comes all the time and in many different ways. Our children suffer through it, we have strangers and friends who reject our ideas, plans or even dreams and even family members who don’t want to have anything to do with us. How do we handle this as adults? What’s behind all of this? Why are we not able to help our own children with the rejection they will face?
We are created as social beings, to have community with others and not be isolated. When we are rejected, it can cause a loss of self-confidence (maybe I’m not good enough, maybe I’m a failure, I smell bad, look weird, etc) – even depression. Psychologists say that at the heart of the fear is the avoidance of pain and suffering. So we try to cope with other ways of feeling good. Some turn to drugs and alcohol, while others live in a constant state of worry.
Where does your confidence and assurance come from?
Is it from other people? If so, be careful… they maybe as fearful or broken as you.
Is it from doing good works? If so, those can ring hollow after a while when no one else notices!
Is it from your career? Is it from money? Take a look and examine yourself.
The only thing that has changed my view on rejection, pain and suffering is CHRIST.
Passion of the ChristChrist suffered pain from scourging, beatings, and being nailed to the cross. His trauma on the cross brought about a new word in our language “excruciating”which means literally out of the cross (ex: out & cruc: cross). He is the only sinless person to ever live who had his blood poured out drop by drop for the salvation of sinful man. He felt pain until the last moment when he cried out in John 19:30 “It is finished.”
If you are a believer in Christ as your Lord and Savior, what are you worried about? He promised us that we would be rejected as he said in John 15: “17 This is My command to you: Love one another. 18Iftheworldhatesyou,understandthatit hated Mefirst. ” We are actually CALLED to suffer and be JOYFUL in the things we are dealing with! Why?
3And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; 4and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; 5and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
So… what’s your hang up? Why worry about being rejected and having to suffer. Christ suffered and if we are to reflect Christ as Christians, we should be ready with the knowledge that we will be rejected. We will be mocked as foolish. We will suffer… but we will overcome these things — not in our own power, but in the power of Christ who has defeated death, the ultimate enemy and has RISEN from the grave! Hallelujah!
What a reason to celebrate REJECTION!!!
May Christ be the ONE you turn to for your confidence and assurance. Amen.