Over the years, many have asked for a comparison between Muslims & Mormons. In a wonderful book on apologetics called “Fast Facts on False Teachings.” One of the authors, Ed Decker leads a Christian Ministry and he has published numerous articles on Mormonism. I have included some of the information here in a comparison of Christianity & Mormonism.
Before I start, however, I would like to add a caveat. While there are similarities, there are also GREAT differences!
The Mormons claim a belief in Christianity that is similar to the Judeo-Christian views. However, the differences start right at the book of Genesis.
Mormons believe that the archangel Michael was born on earth as Adam, the first mortal man. In the Mormon version of the creation story, Jesus Christ, who before his birth was called Jehovah of the Hebrew Bible, who created the earth and all things on it at the direction of God the Father. This is a notion very similar to the beliefs of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.[4] Mormons believe that God is immortal and that He was once a man albeit a perfect and exalted man. This is considered to be blasphemy by BOTH Christians and Muslims!
An article from Beliefnet.com states that the fact that would make Christians, Jews and Muslims shudder is the Mormon belief that Jesus is the Son of God in a literal and physical sense. He is the eldest brother of all mortals and the firstborn spirit child of God. They believe that from Mary, a mortal woman, Jesus inherited the capacity to die, and from God, an exalted being, he inherited the capacity to live forever.[5]
Given all these differences, I actually believe that talking about Islam is a great spring-board for discussion and engaging your Mormon friend! What a wonderful way to start a dialogue.
Here are some of the things I would like to point out in what I know of the two religions:
*Muslims: Prophet Mohammad had a revelation by an “Angel of light” – later called “Gabriel”
Mormons: Joseph Smith had a revelation by an “Angel of light” – later called Moroni
NOTE: Paul warned, “For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).
*Muslims: Must make a pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime to Mecca, where they must wear white (to equalize out rank/social status, etc) and to show purity
Mormons: Must make a pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime to Utah Mormon Temple, where they must wear white (to equalize out rank/social status, etc) and to show purity

*Muslims: Polygamy acceptable per Islam (up to 4 wives)
Mormons: Polygamy acceptable (per book of Mormon & Joseph Smith’s practices)
NOTE: Some claim that the Bible promotes polygamy in the Old Testament. Where we find polygamy (Abraham, Jacob, Hannah & Peninnah in 1 Samuel, Solomon’s 700 wives, etc), we find trouble, confusion, sin and punishment. God’s original design was one man, one woman in Genesis 2:24 and again reiterated by Jesus in Matthew 19:4-6. Anything apart from that is sin.
*Muslims: Jesus was a man & prophet – nothing more
Mormons: Claim: “Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ the Son are two distinct PHYSICAL beings. (Contributions of Joseph Smith)”
*Muslims: No original sin. Adam was a prophet who sinned… no big deal. All children are a blank slate and are held accountable later at puberty for their sins Mormons: No doctrine of original sin from Adam & Eve. Children are not held accountable for sins until age 8
*Muslims: Muhammad was illiterate (but wrote the Koran due to divine inspiration through the angel Gabriel)
Mormons: Joseph Smith was illiterate (education through grade three but wrote the Book of Mormon from divine inspiration through the angel Moroni)
*Muslims: Koran is “mother book” that resides in heaven with God.
Mormons: it is the golden Nephi plates that the angel Moroni took back to heaven.
*Muslims: Complete information for religion comes through Quran, Hadith and Sira of Muhammad Mormons: Complete information for religion comes through Book of Mormon, Doctrines & Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price
*Both say that they are the ultimate prophet of God
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. For many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. (Matthew 7:15)
Interesting… isn’t it?